
Define your tastes, learn what coffee flavours and explore the stories behind your coffee.

define your tastes, learn what coffee flavours and explore the stories behind your coffee.

Our Best Seller

Piano Over Dos

Hot waffle, Nutella and fruits. Waffles are sweet treats also known by their French name "Gaufre," which means honeycomb.
Call 04 223 6641 - or - 050 750 1995
Or e-mail us at info@piano-cafe.ae
Our Best Seller

Piano Over Dos

Hot waffle, Nutella and fruits. Waffles are sweet treats also known by their French name "Gaufre," which means honeycomb.
Call 04 223 6641 - or - 050 750 1995

Or e-mail us at info@piano-cafe.ae

Our delicious offer.

Our at-home range offers the same handcrafted, rich, and indulgent Piano Coffee taste you’d expect to find in our store or enjoy at your home… and in your favorite mug. Check below for details on the range of coffees we offer.

Fresh, and top-quality coffee

The Piano Café adventure had begun in 2020 and became unbeatable to formulate a unique menu of coffee dishes to sell within Hor Al Anz East.

Fresh, and top-quality coffee

The Piano Café adventure had begun in 2020 and became unbeatable to formulate a unique menu of coffee dishes to sell within Hor Al Anz East.

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We offer discounts and free delivery at Talabat Apps or call us to book your table.

Get Free Delivery at Talabat!

We offer discounts and free delivery at Talabat Apps or call us to book your table.